About us

Brief Details of Holistic Development Organisation (HOLIDO)

Holistic Development Organisation (HOLIDO) is a Non-Governmental, Non-profit Organisation registered with Registrar General Department with Registration Number CG086152019 and Department of Social Welfare with Registration Number DSW / 8097. The organisation was formed by a group of experienced development practitioners with special expertise in Agriculture, Education and Health. The members of the organisation are all experienced in the field of sustainable development and social education and have come together to establish this social services organisation to provide quality services with the vision of bringing the society to get out of poverty and live dignified lives. Since its inception the organisation has been engaged in testing models and carrying out various development programmes especially for the empowerment of women, children, youth, and other marginalised people. The organisation seeks to provide information, skills, knowledge and tools to local communities and stakeholders to work towards asserting their right to Peace and Sustainable Development.




Mutual Respect




help is our main goal!

The organisation seeks to provide information, skills, knowledge and tools to local communities and stakeholders to work towards asserting their right to Peace and Sustainable Development.

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We seek a society without poverty where people live in dignity and harmony